I’m going to be on the telly

Much excitement at quilt towers since I have been contacted by Wildside productions, http://www.wildsideproductions.co.uk/ (who create documentaries for the Spanish Ministery of Education) to participate in a programme they are filming on start up businesses. That’s English https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S5wHwtZQ6hU  is a language teaching programme, similar in content to our educational OU programmes and will be aired on Spains TV2 http://www.rtve.es/television/la-2-directo/. Filming is on 18th September and I cannot wait!

My granny who is now  95 loves Spain and in true ex pat Brit style, along with my grandfather spent the winter months of their retirement in a finca near Alicante. So if I’m lost in translation, I shall ask my Granny, (or my kids) to translate for me when the show is aired.

Incidentally, Wildside Productions found me via a guest blog post I wrote for Blue Orchid http://www.blueorchid.co.uk/2014/07/a-quilt-will-warm-your-body-and-comfort-your-soul/ which goes to show blogging is good for you and your business.