Spring Has Sprung?

For the last couple of weeks
The 🌞 has (mostly?) been out
And it feels as if
Spring has Sprung
I’m ever the optimist 😏

The sunny outlook
Reminded me of this fav image of my original Tana Lawn Liberty Print patchwork quilts
Nothing like these joyful prints
To lift the spirits no end

Not long now though until European Summer Time begins on Sunday, 31st March, (it’s also Easter Day!) and if you fancy treating your ma for Mothering Sunday (on 10th March), or are in need of some colour therapy yourself, By Lisa Watson (that’s me!) made in GB textiles for the home will brighten up your interiors, as well as keep you warm & cosy.


P.S This month I am taking part in the enjoyable @joannehawker#marchmeetthemaker challenge on Instagram, so if you have a moment do check out @lisawatso for my daily updates…


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