NEW Folksy pics

I enjoy a frisson of excitement when receiving new images of my Quilts, Cushions and More!

These delightfully rustic images don’t disappoint. They are taken by the photographer Yeshen Venema from yesh&tash as part of a recent Folksy photo shoot, to have my Quilts, Cushions & More! professionally styled & photographed. Keep an eye on the Folksy twitter&instagram for more delicious images.

Both the lovely stylist Hilary and the cottage owner Dorian liked both these blankets so much they brought them!  I think once you have an opportunity to see, handle (and smell!) my Yorkshire wool, comfortable weighty British made blankets they begin to work their magic. Which of course is why excellent photographs of all my products are essential for my on-line shop.

Thanks Yeshen and Folksy for this opportunity x