Happy 2019 and here’s to our hopes, dreams & wishes for the New Year

Looking onto Dalgetty Bay in the Firth of Forth in the Kingdom of Fife.

Atmospheric view looking out from St Bridget’s Kirk in Fife.

It was really lovely to have a fortnight off for all the festivities. I made myself slow down and I really appreciated the breathing space. Now I am back at work and ready to start the new year…

Hand made unique distinctly British Harris Tweed quilt

Hand made unique distinctly British Harris Tweed quilt

By Lisa Watson re-opened today and our on-line shop has lots of delicious January quilt offers for you. Let’s face it January can be a trying month, so even though we are raring to go following the festive hols, sometimes cosying up in a quilt is also much needed…

Unique Quilt Commission

A monochromatic patchwork quilt for Rachel & Joe.

And don’t forget, I also stitch bespoke quilts, so if you wish a unique, one of a kind patchwork quilt, just get in touch.

I’m next with my local creatives at Altrincham Market on Saturday 26th & Sunday 27th January. Maybe see you there?

More tempting offers to follow in February. Until then, onward to 2019…

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